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The Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe that Actually Works
Is there anything better than the smell of your laundry after it's freshly washed and you pull it out of the dryer and it's warm and...
11 Non-Toxic Swaps You Need To Make Immediately
These days we are inundated with toxic everything. Whether it's the food we're eating, water we're drinking, air we're breathing,...
4 Steps to Quickly Declutter your Medicine Cabinet
When we say that you need to declutter every square inch of your house, we mean it! Every small space that you declutter, clean, organize...
5 Easy Steps You Need to Follow to Declutter and Organize Your Closet
It's that time of the year where we feel the push to start decluttering and getting our life organized! For The Refine Company, that's...
The Easiest Non-Toxic Way to Clean Your Oven
In this day and age most ovens have a self-cleaning option. Pour a little water in the bottom, hit a button and a few hours later,...
7 Household Items You Need to Let Go of in the New Year
We all do it. We all hang on to things longer than we should. Whether it be for emotional reasons, financial reasons or just because we...
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